Living simply is hard
It means your priorities are in order.
It means you know when to say "no".
...and it's always a work in progress


Cultivating deep, meaningful relationships and positively influencing the lives of others are a means to infuse meaning into your own life.

Fitness & Health
Thoughts on living a "healthy lifestyle". Working on my definition and capturing my favorite workout methods, recipes and sleeping tips.

Reading & Writing
Most of the answers you will ever seek are in a book, somewhere. For the rest, there is writing. Thoughts on these two fundamental life skills.

Work, however you define it, is a big part of our lives. I see it as the act of creating. It is how you leave your mark on our pale blue dot.

Personal Finance
Personal finance is not rocket science, although it may sometimes feel that way. A few simple rules will eliminate financial stress from your life for good.

Over time, we lose sight of our past adventures. That is, unless we take the time to document them. Revisiting old adventures can do as much good as a new one!
Latest Content
The Birth of a Son
Who Is This Strange Woman In My Room? I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a woman frantically pacing in my room. It took a second, but once I shook off deep sleep daze, I realized this woman was my wife. I had questions. A few days prior, we […]
The Birth of a Daughter
“Your Daughter Will Be A Bit Early” On a brisk winter morning, we made our way to the hospital as it was time to attempt a version. Our daughter was not due for another 4 weeks. She had been in Frank breech position the whole pregnancy and had not budged naturally. Therefore, it was time […]
Systemology by David Jenyns
Systemology is author David Jenyns’ second book. It details a 7-step framework to get you thinking about how to systemize your business and remove yourself as the primary bottleneck for all operational decisions and problems. The Methodology Step 1 – Define As a first step, David suggests you conceptualize a sales flow using his Critical […]
The Proposal – Part 3
Click HERE for The Proposal – Part 1. —————— There’s nothing quite like celebrating your engagement by sleeping in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, alone. Unbeknownst to me, my fiancé (yup, I can say that now) was well aware that the rooms in our hostel slept 24 people when she booked. Furthermore, as this hostel […]
The Proposal – Part 2
Click HERE for The Proposal – Part 1. —————— Constantly thinking about the proposal potential of places you’re visiting is a great way to ruin traveling… Instead of being in the moment, you’re in your head, analyzing the pros and cons of the location: – (On the one hand, the Segrada Familia is a pretty […]
The Proposal – Part 1
So, there I was, standing at airport security. The bag I had packed hundreds of times before for other adventures without issue had been selected for inspection based on X-rays. The only thing different on this particular occasion was that I had hidden an engagement ring in my toiletry bag… I was planning to propose […]